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Warum krieg? "Why War?"
the question asked by Einstein and Freud in 1932. For an answer they looked towards States, the international system, the very nature of mankind. Europe and the rest of the world were suspended "between two wars" in a phase so brief and so loaded with tension that the idea of continuity between World War I and World War II – a single "thirty years’ war" – is now widely accepted.
After the rise of Nazism, came the conflict, the extermination policies, Hiroshima. Then the arms’ race, the long "Cold War", the "balance of terror" and the collapse of the Soviet Union and "real socialism". Yet, even after the triumph of the West, NATO remains, expanding to supplant the authority of the United Nations. The number of military expeditions continues to increase, and genocidal embargo policies are enforced; nuclear proliferation has been halted only to witness the accumulation of chemical and biological weapons.
Another war could be fatal for all humanity. Once more the question arises: "Why war?".
At the same time, the added risks of environmental pollution, of the greenhouse effect and the deterioration of the biosphere are becoming ever more pressing. These threats form a single crisis of civilisation and represent the failure of the West to cope with the problems of globalisation that it has caused and continues to work with: hunger, curtailed life expectancy, inequality, rejection of poor minorities, the tyranny of profit and technology over nature and life itself.
How widespread is an awareness of the real state of things? To what extent can such awareness actually be counted on to help? What about creating groups for discussion and protest? What about giving the struggle for peace and the environment a new drive for the radical transformation of capitalist methods of production, social relations, politics.

Four–monthly review
Direttore: Luigi Cortesi

Comitato Direttivo: Angelo Baracca, Claudio Del Bello, Domenico Di Fiore, Pier Giovanni Donini, Angelo d’Orsi, Alexander Höbel, Fabio Marcelli, Michele Nobile, Mario Ronchi (dir. resp.), Vittorio Sartogo.

Redattore capo: Michele Paolini

Coordinamento: Cristiana Baldazzi

Segreteria di redazione: Giacomo Cortesi
Comitato Scientifico: Mario Alcaro, Daniele Archibugi, Luca Baldissara, Riccardo Bellofiore, Luigi Bonanate, Giampaolo Calchi Novati, Marcello Cini, Paolo Degli Espinosa, Luigi Ferrajoli, Domenico Gallo, Francesco Germinario, Giulio Girardi, Giuseppe Longo, Enzo Modugno, Luisa Morgantini, Isidoro Davide Mortellaro, Andrea Panaccione, Luigi Parente, Massimo Pivetti, Augusto Ponzio, Francesco Soverina, Enzo Tiezzi, Angelo Trento, Maria Turchetto, Aldo Visalberghi
Direzione e redazione: Via Fregene 10, 00183 Roma – Tel/fax +39 06 70 49 15 13
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